Trevor’s Effortpoast

Over on Gab, Trevor Goodchild has a quality effortpoast on two years into the Covid-19 “vaccine,” or as Trevor calls it, the “fagcine.” A section I want to quote here is this one:

“The young and healthy who have “died suddenly” have been mostly killed by fagcine-induced myocarditis causing cardiac arrhythmias. This is a medical crime worse than anything previously documented in human history and everyone complicit deserves public execution. We are not being hyperbolic about this. Knowingly killing children and young adults in the prime of their lives with an experimental mRNA therapy (which does not even prevent transmission) for a virus with a 99.998% survival rate in their age group is the very definition of medical malpractice.”

Indeed, the crimes against everyone, especially the young, have been heinous. Check out today’s updated chart from the ethical skeptic over on twitter for all natural causes of death in the 0-24 age group:

As the chart notes, that’s a 10 sigma event and it’s continuing unabated. Those who got the “vaccine” and haven’t died will continue to be sick with many varied illnesses, one of them being cancer. If only there were people out there warning others.