Die Hard on Christmas Eve: A Family Tradition

It’s Christmas eve, so tonight I’ll gather my family, like I’ve always done, to watch Die Hard. Tonight, I’ll discuss with my children the true meaning of Christmas, like Hans Gruber’s selfless act of giving the gift of freedom to the nine members of the Asian Dawn movement after reading about them in Time Magazine. We’ll also discuss who brings true Christmas miracles, the FBI.

My special topic of discussion will be communication and how it can be improved. When Harry Ellis meets with Hans Gruber he asks for Coke. He’s then handed a Coca Cola can by Karl. What Ellis meant was cocaine and had this miscommunication not occurred, Ellis would have been coked up enough to make his needed sales pitch and not be killed by Gruber. We’ll also discuss how it’s important not to judge and that we technically don’t know if Ellis actually intended to sell out John McClane to Gruber, despite Ellis appearing to be very sleazy, as Ellis’ frantic discussion with McClane happened at a low point. Ellis may have just wanted the detonators handed over, like he said.

My children will go to bed after leaving out cigarettes for John McClane and angel dust for the ghost of Ellis. They’ll then drift asleep hoping to hear “Yippee-Ki-Yay motherfucker” in the distance as McClane exits our duct work to hop on his sled and go to another house to drop off presents.

Grade: A+